To the Editor:
I want it known, after much consideration, I will not be making a motion to adjourn the May 31 town meeting, and I hope no one else will either.
I haven’t changed my mind about May 31, just my approach. Our selectmen’s decision, which cheats the townspeople out of their right to vote, remains a giant step backward.
However, any attempt at this point to undo their blunder would be incredibly disruptive on the town, and I don’t want that. I just want everyone to have their opportunity to vote, that’s all.
As a citizen of Wiscasset, I have attended 35 annual town meetings. I know they can be a great learning experience and a lot of fun.
Yet, I believe it is more important to respect the wishes of the townspeople, which in this instance means no open town meeting.
So, on May 31, as a citizen, I intend to respect those wishes.
And what great timing!
Another neat thing about Wiscasset also falls on May 31, Alumni Banquet Day, a day made for celebrating, not deliberating.
In closing, I would ask, that someone at this May 31 town meeting, make a motion, that everyone there sing “Happy Birthday” to Budget Committee Chairman Bob Blagden. He’ll be turning 60 that day.
As for myself, I’ll be elsewhere, singing that song which begins, “Wiscasset here’s to you today…”
Told you it can be fun.
Ben Rines Jr.