To the editor:
Over the past several months, I have been after the town of Waldoboro to deal with the intersection of Route 220 and Old Augusta Road. Recently I noticed the Maine Department of Transportation was rather prompt in putting up poles for mirrors. Now, two weeks or more later, there is no sign of mirrors, which I believe the town will supply. What is the date for mirrors to be installed and what about a date for installing a blinking light?
Mirrors are a good gesture, but let’s get real, do you really think mirrors will slow people down? Aside from the intersection being a blind one, speed is a major problem. Twice in the early morning (6:15 a.m.) at this intersection I have come close to getting hit broadside. This is due to people coming over the rise at high speeds.
I also find it interesting that other intersections have now come to the town’s attention in the Waldoboro area. Why is it that one has to make numerous complaints for town officials to do something? You are all well aware of these unsafe intersections, yet you wait until someone files complaints, or worse, accidents, which have happened, and, sadly to say, loss of lives.
I have heard many excuses from town officials, as well as the DOT. They mostly come down to “intersection does not warrant redoing due to number of accidents.” What does this mean? How many accidents is it going to take before proper corrections are done? Why were these intersections built as they are now? My experience is, if one makes a mistake, as in the building of an intersection, they should own up to their mistakes and promptly correct it at their expense. This is not up to the town of Waldoboro to share the cost of others’ mistakes.
Please note: a formal written complaint has been made to the town of Waldoboro and the DOT.
Robert Morin