To the Editor:
To all the people who helped with the Kids Helping Kids Shopping Day on Dec. 6, 2009:
The Bremen Union Church and I would wish to thank you for donating, helping set up, serving food, and helping out in the wrapping room and at the sale. We thank the donators for the toys and other things that they gave or else this would have never been possible.
As for the people setting up, we thank you for having it neatly organized. To the people who served food, we thank you for keeping our spirits warm and cheery with the food and beverages. Also, thank you to the people in the wrapping room, such as Kara and Cathy, to help people wrap to make life a tad less hard for the Christmas season. Let’s not forget the people who helped run the whole kit and caboodle!
Overall we made about $345. This money goes to buy food and gifts for Lincoln County families through the Wish Tree program. For the end of my letter I’d like to give a great big thanks to Ruthie Poland for making this all possible. We love you Ruthie.
Alexis Poland, Bremen