To the Editor:
Puppies are so sweet and so cute. Puppies grow up, and all too often, for whatever reason, so many dogs are living their lives day after day tied outdoors. Some people would say, “It’s the family pet!”
Dogs need companionship. Given the opportunity wouldn’t they choose to go for a walk, run, chase after a ball, go for a car ride or simply be content to lie at your feet or bedside on a cold winter’s night? For the ones tied out the choice isn’t theirs to be made, so they’re forced to endure whatever Mother Nature deals them.
My husband and I have a dog that was rescued by the animal shelter. The first few years of her life were spent at the end of a chain. I’m proud to say she runs like the wind, no more chains for her!
I’m certain the previous owners had no idea what a wonderful pet they had. Fortunately they didn’t break her spirit. She is so kind and gentle and loves everyone.
If an animal is removed from a home or situation you know it’s not because the animal protection agency has nothing better to do with their time. It’s purely for the safety and well-being of the animal.
We should all appreciate the hard and difficult job that people who work or donate their time for animal shelters and animal rescue organizations. I, for one, could not do it. I’d get too angry about the cruelty that they see.
If we all cared just a little bit more just think what a better world this would be.
Sandy Giguere, Bremen