About this time two years ago we had an extremely brief editorial meeting during which we decided we were going to continue LCN’s longstanding tradition of calling Christmas things Christmas names.
Well, to be honest, it would be a bit of a stretch to say we had a meeting; it was more like a momentary pause.
We offer this in light of what seems to be an ongoing, annual effort to replace all things Christmas with all things sort of generically holiday-like.
We respect the rights of all Americans to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and we would add that liberty includes the option of being offended and for those so inclined, life offers plenty of opportunity to take offense.
We reject efforts to re-brand Christmas out of hand, less so out of a religious conviction than a dedication to calling a thing what it is.
Unless and until Christians as a group get around to changing the official name of the day their Lord and Savior was born, we are going to continue calling it by its proper name. On these pages Christmas pageants will be Christmas pageants, Christmas trees will be Christmas trees, and we will not spare you a “Merry Christmas.”
If any one school, group or association decides to hold a “Holiday” event and bills it as such, we will of course report it accordingly, but please know that as far as we’re concerned, this push for Holiday trees and Seasonal caroling is political correctness run amok.
We define being politically correct as being overly sympathetic to the possibility that someone might take offense. We recommend being polite, which is just simply the right thing to do.