To the Editor:
Just a few short weeks ago some readers here debated the priorities of the Catholic Church regarding monies raised for Earthquake relief in Haiti versus its funding of the political campaign to restrict same sex marriage in Maine. If any additional evidence was needed to demonstrate that priorities are indeed misplaced, Bishop Malone certainly put his money where his mouth has been when he revoked $17,400 this year and $33,000 next fiscal year for Preble Street’s Homeless Voices for Justice program, which serves the poorest of Maine’s poor every day.
Hard to believe, but it’s true. Just days before the holiest week of the year, we learn that the leader of the largest group of Christians in the state decided to withdraw over $50,000 dedicated to relieve the pain and suffering of nearly 500 people daily, monies that were donated by thousands of Catholics across the diocese. Why? Politics.
Preble Street Resource Center, the fiscal agent for Homeless Voices for Justice, was listed as a coalition partner on the “No on 1/Protect Maine Equality” Web site. In contrast, the members of the HVJ voted not to take a stand on the referendum and so never spoke out against the bishop’s political position. Regardless, with sexual orientation issues as one of the leading causes of youth homelessness, one might expect staff at Preble Street to support efforts to defeat the referendum led by Bishop Malone.
However, even after an appeal was made to the Bishop asking him to reconsider, visit the program and talk with clients, no response was ever received. The Bishop stands firm that because Preble Street violated the Church’s teaching on marriage, 13 years of funding was to cease. (It is worth noting that although the Church does teach that the sacrament of marriage is between one man and one woman, who are Catholic, the Church has no theological teaching about civil marriages. Bishop Malone continues to offer political opinions that are not binding on Catholics, let alone non Catholics).
As Christians, our responsibility to feed the poor, cloth the naked and shelter the stranger was spelled out by Jesus, himself. Bishop Malone’s irrational obsession about same-sex marriage ridicules that mandate. He is punishing the homeless as a way of getting back at grant administrators who have a different opinion than his. His behavior is an embarrassment to Catholics everywhere.
Please join me in sending a donation to: Homeless Voices for Justice, c/o Preble Resource Center, PO Box 1459, Portland, 04104. Already, within three days of the Catholic Diocese cutting off funds to the program, $12,000 had been donated specifically earmarked to replace those lost monies.
A long-time, faithful friend of the community, from a Jewish tradition, has contributed $17,000 to cover the immediate program deficit through June. That too sends a pretty clear message about priorities during this holiest of weeks.
Dennis Anderson, Newcastle