To the Editor:
This past June at Newcastle’s annual town meeting, voters rejected a proposal to replace the current sign ordinance language with a more comprehensive, stand-alone sign ordinance. Objections to the proposal largely revolved around illuminated signs; however, there was general agreement that a new sign ordinance was needed.
To that end, Newcastle will be holding two upcoming community workshops to learn about and discuss the proposed sign ordinance as drafted by the sign ordinance working group this past spring. The first workshop will be held at the Community Room at the Newcastle Fire Station on Monday, Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. The second workshop will be on Monday, Oct. 7 at the same place and time.
Please join us in creating a new sign ordinance for Newcastle that will serve the best interest of the town, is enforceable, and will replace our current sign ordinance language, which is confusing, overly complicated, and outdated.
I encourage anyone with an interest in signs in Newcastle, their use, appearance, location, size, etc, to attend both workshops and provide input. The goal is to bring a newly revised proposed sign ordinance back to the voters at a special town meeting sometime before the end of the year.
(Ed. Note: Ben Frey is a member of the Newcastle Board of Selectmen.)