To the Editor:
This campaign season I have read many letters based on half-truths or exaggerations and usually figured they were just partisan bickering, but when Larry Grimard implies that my wife (Lisa Miller), a legislator for the last six years, is not telling the truth then it is time to speak up. (“Not all true,” LCN, Page 11, 10/14/10)
Lisa is an incredibly honest person who has worked hard to find fair solutions to many problems. This has been a time of cutbacks and shrinking budgets that have forced tough decisions.
Much is made of the money owed to Maine hospitals and money needed to fund the state pension plan. Both of these problems extend back many years through governors of various parties. During the last several years much progress has been made to catch up with these past debts. It is tough to quickly pay off old debts at the same time you are forced to cut ongoing programs.
Lisa is attacked for supporting the tax reform program that included broadening the sales tax base. This is true. However, like many opponents of the tax reform, Mr. Grimard leaves out the other half of the proposal. It would have reduced the income tax for most Mainers by over 20 percent and shifted about $75 million a year to out of state visitors.
He then mixes up the tax reform package with the latest state budget. They are not related. The current budget was passed with support from both parties and was balanced without increasing any taxes. This is the truth.
Lastly, he quotes the legislative rankings of the MERI, which claims to be a non-partisan organization. As other Lincoln County News letter writers have stated, MERI uses a highly biased method of creating their rankings.
Lisa serves in the legislature because she wants to work to improve Maine. It is a hard job and she is proud of what she has done. She has never lied in the past and there is no reason for her to start now.
Roy Miller M.D., Somerville