To the editor:
In the letter “Time for voter ID” in the Feb. 9 edition, the author stated that many Americans are concerned about voter fraud in our elections. Really?
Voter fraud is only a “concern” among hard right extremists who wish to pass legislation that will restrict voter participation. People without a photo ID (driver’s license or passport) could be elderly, handicapped, persons of color, or recent additions to our population, many of whom might tend to vote Democrat.
Readers may remember that Maine Secretary of State Matthew Dunlap debunked the voting integrity commission launched by former President Donald Trump to search for voter fraud in 2018. The committee found nothing and was disbanded. “It’s calling into the darkness looking for voter fraud,” Dunlap told the press. “There’s no real evidence of it anywhere.”
Trump, even though he admitted to his staff that he knew he lost the 2020 election, filed 60 claims of voter fraud all across the country. None were found to be valid.
There is little, if any, voter fraud in the U.S. Especially in Maine, where the elections are run by locals we all know. The Maine Legislature should toss out this proposal to change the voting laws.
Bruce Bartrug