Money, a very wise man once said, is only important, not for baubles it buys, but for the thing it creates: options.
Money creates options for the money holder. The options of what to eat, how to live and where to go expand exponentially as income rises.
Money creates opportunities that are not available to those without money. The old saying it takes money to make money is true in that money creates opportunities for more money.
It is hard to get a business off the ground with little or no working capital. It can be done, certainly. It has been done, many times, occasionally to great success, but you don’t need an MBA to figure out it’s easier to make a fat wallet fatter than it is to make a skinny wallet fat.
Edgecomb is running out of options, monetarily, and the selectmen, good conservatives all, have to make noises about raising taxes. The language in Abigail Adams’ front page story this week is chilling in its effect: a significant tax increase is on the table as the only viable fix for the town’s budget woes.
Wow. Those are words you don’t hear often and there is a reason for that. No politician, be they a big-money headliner or essentially an amateur volunteer, wants to go before their constituents and tell them a tax increase is on the table, whatever the reason.
That the debate is being framed as a significant tax increase is an indication that Edgecomb’s options are few.