To the Editor:
I would like to express my appreciation for the tremendous effort the Budget Committee, selectmen and Town officials have put into the upcoming warrant to be voted on by Wiscasset Citizens June 14. Their hard work demonstrates a responsible and thoughtful acceleration forward. Thank you.
The Commercial Pier has deteriorated. Bonding the capital improvements project: Article 53 is an integral part of our future, as well as long overdue. I believe the rebuild sparks a renewed vitality in the Wiscasset Waterfront, as specifically expressed in our Town’s Comprehensive Plan, Waterfront Master Plan, among others.
By investing in our waterfront and downtown, we are preserving our maritime past (Wiscasset is recognized as one of three architecturally significant villages in Maine) and investing in its future. Let’s look at this bond project with a vision: investing costs, but the return makes it worth it.
Much needs to be done; may it be driven by enthusiasm as well as prudent consideration. The selectmen have carefully reviewed the bond plan and weighed options before comfortably voting to put the bond on the ballot.
Short term bond repayment plan (five years) may come from reserve account interest, designated for Capital Improvements (not principal) according to Investment Policy adopted by selectmen.
Apparently we can borrow at a lesser rate than reserve is generating… which is sensible in consideration of this project.
Susan Robson, Wiscasset