To the Editor:
Would-be state senator Chris Johnson displayed his lack of qualification for the office in his letter that appeared in last week’s LCN. (“Salt Water Fishing Licenses – the rest of the story,” LCN, Page 4, 7/8/10) He attacked Senator David Trahan’s heroic effort to head off saltwater fishing license fees as necessary to cover enforcement costs of a new federal mandate.
The trouble is, the only federal mandate is to collect data like name, address and phone number. There is no requirement to conduct surveys, and there is no required enforcement.
Mr. Johnson should afford himself the opportunity to read Senator Trahan’s eloquent speech on the Senate floor. Then perhaps he would understand that the saltwater fishing fee is a purely unnecessary money grab, and one more freedom lost.
This Democratic administration’s appetite to take your money to fund their meddling in your life is insatiable.
Donald Jones, Wiscasset