I recently read a news article that had words to the effect of “Christmas is winning this Christmas.” It grabbed my attention and I wanted to know more.
It stated that the general population did not want to be politically correct anymore during the Christmas season. They wanted a Christmas tree not a holiday bush. They wanted to hear “Merry Christmas” not “Happy Holidays” and so forth. This group of people is so determined that they began to boycott major retail giants.
After a year or two of complaints and boycotts and reduced revenue, most of the retail giants have reverted to selling Christmas trees, not holiday bushes. They do not forbid their employees to say Merry Christmas and so on. So those retailers will reap the benefits with happy customers, others will not. Is this a victory for Christmas? Maybe in the most secular way, but not for Christians.
I propose that if we are worth our salt, then we must use the same amount of energy and determination that was used by the group of people mentioned above to attain their objective. Our objective should be to but Christ back in Christmas. To remember what the true Christmas season is about. To remember how a child was given to us, a child that would someday suffer for us and redeem us.
We have received the most perfect gift. A gift that will never go out of style, never have to be repaired. Never have to have batteries changed, and will never go on sale. You won’t find it on a Black Friday sale. It’s not in the weekend paper flyers. In fact you cannot purchase this gift, because it’s free. Free for the taking. No one will force it upon you. You don’t have to have a membership, nor good credit or even social standing. It’s there for you. Free for the asking.
So remember, you can receive the greatest gift of all. Jesus is the reason for this season. Put Christ back in Christmas.