To the Editor:
I am a teacher. I have had the good fortune to be a teacher for 44 years. I, like everyone else, am saddened by the events of Dec. 14 in Connecticut.
If there is a lesson to be learned here, please let it start with the quiet courage of the teachers at Sandy Hook School. With shooting in the background the librarian took her class to the supply closet and had them color; the reading teacher continuously read to her students, and the teacher who said “I did not want the last thing my students to hear was shooting, rather I wanted them to hear the words I love you.”
Quiet courage seems to be a good place to start and it is the example all our children will need in the upcoming days. This will not go away; violence begets only one thing; more violence.
Is it really necessary to own assault weapons with their ability to kill 20 children within 10 minutes time? No one denies the right to bear arms in this country, but must we do it at the expense of keeping our young people safe?
Joe Weber, Jefferson