To the Editor:
Having read Max Arnold’s letter to the editor in last week’s paper, I would strongly recommend he re-read the tax reform bill. There are many, many new taxes on the way. Sales tax on plumbing repairs, car repairs, movie tickets, bowling games and on and on.
A recent survey showed 70 percent of the meals eaten out are by Maine residents.
If we keep sticking it to the tourists there won’t be any tourists.
How about cleaning house in Augusta? Start with Dirigo Health, which is the biggest albatross ever put around the neck of the overtaxed Maine worker: an absolutely financial disaster.
You could cut the Maine legislature in half and still have enough people left to continue their out of control spending.
Somehow, some time, the people have to know the government can’t be all things to all people. Giveaways by the state have to be brought under control.
Thank heaven the biggest anti-business administration ever is leaving Augusta.
As usual, the referendum on the tax reform bill has been written to confuse the voter. It sounds like the salvation of Maine but in reality it will be a financial disaster for those who can least afford it.
Craig Elliott, Bristol