Small town living allows us to enjoy the flavors of community on a regular basis. You could live in a big city, as many current Lincoln County residents have, and never even know your neighbor’s name.
As Lincoln County-ians, we have the pleasure, and occasional aggravation, of not being able to get away from our neighbors.
Being local residents, any given year it seems we can take in any one of many community builders. The list is seemingly endless; Olde Bristol Days, the Pemaquid Oyster Festival, North Nobleboro Days, the Damariscotta Fish Ladder Festival, the Pirate Rendezvous, etc., etc.
However it is the Pumpkinfest that seems to have grabbed the imagination of the public at large. In Belfast over the weekend, one storeowner, hearing the visitors were from Damariscotta, waxed poetic over joys of giant pumpkins.
This thing is bigger than all of us.
Coming up right after the Pumpkinfest, we have the electoral romp at the polls on Nov. 2, Thanksgiving, the rush toward the Christmas holiday and, seemingly, barely a second to catch our breath before we launch into a new year with town meeting preparations.
In short, this weekend is one of the last big flings of the summer season.
Get out and enjoy it this weekend we say. Savor it. The foliage is still up, most of the tourists are gone and the temperatures are still balmy.
Some might argue this is not, in fact, as good as it gets, but we can surely agree, that this is really, really good.