To the Editor:
The undersigned organizers are pleased to announce the formation of a new nonprofit corporation under the laws of the state of Maine entitled “Lincoln Cemetery Association.” This new corporation has been formed to address the needs of this ancient and historic burying ground that has existed since 1768. The purposes of this association as stated in our Articles of Incorporation are as follows:
“To preserve, protect and maintain the heritage and interests in and to said Lincoln Cemetery, an ancient private Burial Ground, located off State Route #215 in the town of Newcastle, Maine. To administer to the affairs of this Burial Ground regarding its care, maintenance and development of burial sites, including fiduciary care of all funds held in trust for such purposes.”
If any readers of your publication should have ancestors buried in this cemetery or have relatives who have been buried there in more recent times, we invite them to take notice of our plans for an initial organizational meeting in the near future. Official notice of this meeting will be published in The Lincoln County News within the next few weeks.
We are hopeful of reviving interest in the Lincoln Cemetery Burial Ground and participation in our newly formed association that has laid dormant over the past 20 years or more. For those relatives of families currently buried in the Lincoln Cemetery, additional information about the re-organization of the Lincoln Cemetery Association can be obtained from the following:
Margo P. Huntley, organizer – 563-1319
Eliza J. Tibbetts, organizer – 620-4263
John R. Hilton, organizer – 380-7435