To the Editor:
I was surprised to read in last week’s issue that the Newcastle Fire Company is renewing its request for the purchase of a $300,000 pumper truck after withdrawing its initial request for a larger, similar vehicle.
I’m sure I can speak for all Newcastle residents in expressing gratitude for the dedicated work of our firemen. Mercifully, we have had only a few serious fires in the last few years. That does not mean that our fire company should not be prepared for the worst.
My concerns are those of finances and possible duplication.
We have a mutual aid agreement with neighboring communities. We all are familiar with the soundness of this pact from several serious fires in Damariscotta’s business district, among others.
Before our Board of Selectmen determines the impact of this expenditure on the municipal budget and votes on whether or not to put the issue to vote at the June town meeting, I would respectfully suggest an impartial survey be taken of the equipment owned by all the towns in the mutual aid district.
Most of these towns, with the exception of Wiscasset, have populations around 2000. In these difficult financial times, it makes no sense for any of these communities to buy an expensive piece of equipment that may be similar to that owned by another town and available to others in the mutual aid district unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Loretta Boeche, Newcastle