To the Editor:
The two letters condemning Rev. Jon Vermillion’s letter supporting the sanctity of marriage between a man and woman is a sad commentary on how far we have fallen in our relationship with God. It is apparent that the Right Rev. Wright has an agenda dating back to his early religious studies and he has created a new religion based on his preference.
All three major religions – Christianity, Judaism and Islam follow God’s law that marriage is being between a man and woman. Rev. Wright’s idea that the sin of Sodom and Gomorra was the lack of hospitality doesn’t make any sense.
Sure the proper treatment of guests was, and still is, an important custom of the Mid East, and that’s the point; it’s a custom, not God’s law. I can’t find anywhere in the Bible that God declared the lack of hospitality as a sin.
In Gen.19 ver. 4-5, it is very clear what the men of Sodom and Gomorra wanted to do.
No person, gay or straight, is any better than the other. We all are sinners and deserve God’s punishment for not living the kind of lives we should. As Christians, through faith and God’s grace, we believe that we are saved through Jesus. We are freed from the rules and regulations of the laws of the Old Testament, which is why we don’t have to make sacrifices anymore. This does not mean, however, that we can do anything we want to do.
We are in no position to judge anyone but what is wrong in Rev. Wright’s argument is his celebration of a sin. Since when is it acceptable to God for a human being to take one of his laws and declare them invalid? Isn’t that what original sin is all about? Putting ourselves in the place of God and deciding that we know better than our Creator.
As far as his perceived lack of rights in getting his partner’s x-ray, I was in the hospital and my wife could not get my records because the hospital did not have my authorization on file. I’m sure if the Rev. Wright fills out the proper form his grievance will be addressed.
The second letter proposing that reason, knowledge and science trumps the old laws of the Bible make sense if you are an agnostic or atheist. Human knowledge, reason and science cannot explain God’s mind or plan. How can the created being understand the Creator of the universe? As God questioned Job in Job 38: “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me if you have understanding.”
Carl Wolff