To the Editor:
A couple weeks ago, I suddenly became aware that my wedding ring had fallen off. A thorough but fruitless search of the house and cars meant the haystack just got way bigger and the “needle” proportionally way smaller. I’m sure some readers have had this happen so I need not describe my feelings at that moment.
To make a long search story short, my last and what I thought a vain hope was asking about it at Hannaford’s service desk. Ah, me of little faith. They had it in a small, cardboard box of lost stuff. (Anyone missing a men’s watch with a gold band? That’s the only other thing I remember seeing.)
I was told that someone found my ring in their parking lot. I was absolutely astounded it had turned up.
So, to whoever found my ring, I more grateful than words can convey, as well to the folks at Hannaford’s for safeguarding it back onto my finger.
Like so many thank-you letters that grace these pages, this one is also directed at yet another, nameless neighbor amongst us who has again proven “life the way it should be” rings true.
Chuck McGregor, Bremen