To the Editor:
This past Sunday morning, March 11, while collecting sap, I was greeted by the act of a thief. Twenty-five to 30 sap buckets, covers and taps were stolen from the Bristol Mills Cemetery. These pails have a catalog value of approximately $20 each so LCSO was called. I don’t expect their return.
While the equipment is valuable, that’s not what has me irritated. Over the past 12 years, I have tended these buckets in three feet of snow, mud, rain; in good years and in bad years.
I have put on numerous field trips for local school kids, and lastly I have hosted a yearly open house for the community to enjoy, which has been a lot of fun: to have a thief make off with part of that, has got me riled up.
I have had to work for everything I have ever had (note to thief: you should try it) I’m encouraged to see more people tapping a few trees, especially kids and parents. It’s great honest fun.
Regrettably, this year’s strange weather is not helping with the sap flow and it looks like the open house will not happen this year. Hope to see you all next season.
Adam Rice, Walpole