To the Editor:
In response to articles and editorials in our local papers as of May 29, as one who spent many a baffling hour serving on the Wiscasset/Edgecomb Bypass Task Force, I cannot feel sympathetic to the business owners within the Historic Village area of the town of Wiscasset. A traffic light at the State Route 27 North intersection is by far the simplest, if not least expensive, way to keep traffic flow smooth through the town.
Drivers are more apt to be patient and favorably influenced when they have a red light which they know will turn to green in a reasonable time span, than when they are stopped for as long as 45 minutes with no way of knowing what is going on up ahead: accident? A lot of left turns? People crossing over to Red’s Eats?
I should think the antique stores, novelty shops, restaurants of Wiscasset would welcome a sane, sensible solution, which in other communities around our state and nation, is the usual way to control traffic flow.
I truly do not think their businesses will be endangered in any way by the surge of grateful tourists who finally would be able to see “the light at the end of the Wiscasset tunnel.”