To the editor:
My husband and I live in way upstate New York near the Adirondack Mountains, but we have been traveling to the Pemaquid Peninsula since our honeymoon 50 years ago. We get up your way often every year, sometimes with our family, sometimes by ourselves. We love the peninsula so much.
We have been subscribing to your paper for several years. It keeps us in touch with so many of the people we have met and lets us know what is going on in the Damariscotta-Newcastle area.
For instance, I was so pleased to read a recent review of work by Deb Arter in your art column. I have taken workshops with Deb. She is a marvelous teacher, an amazing artist, and a good friend. I am sending her a note of congratulations.
Anyway, I am writing to let you know how much I enjoy the columns that you include in your news. I read them all, from trucker Larry to “Marilyn Beane’s World.” However, I especially want to compliment May Davidson, who writes the column “No Longer Lower Round Pond.” She is masterful with words. She is thoughtful, lyrical, and has a way of connecting her thoughts to the world around her and then presenting it to her readers for them to ponder. And speaking of pondering, I also love “Ponder and Stir” by Sharon Christian Aderman. If you could also mention to her how much we look forward to reading her column, I would be grateful.
All of these writers help bring us into their worlds. At a time when people seem to be unable to connect with others in meaningful ways, these columns are valuable resources. While some may feel that these columns are fluff and filler, I think they enable us to visualize someone else’s life, to see their point of view in a fundamental, yet entertaining way.
Larry the trucker makes us laugh, Marilyn takes me to a fundamental level of day-to-day living, May makes me think and remember to record my own memories and my past, and Sharon presents the gifts of family and sense of place.
We have been watching the Pemaquid Point/Damariscotta webcams. It is so wonderful to see the places we love so much, and we can’t wait to come back. I wish we were going to the theater tonight after having dinner and a glass of wine at the Eider!
Thank you for the paper and for all the pleasure we get from reading it!
Cathy Hall
Wilton, N.Y.