To the editor:
I am writing to express my gratitude to Peter and his family members and the staff of the Salt Bay Cafe. They will be missed in this community.
My family has a long history with the cafe and many fond memories. In her 70s, 80s, and even 90s, my mother was able to walk into town for lunch at the cafe, either alone, with one of us, or to meet her dear friend, Clara Storm, from The Lincoln Home. She was always greeted by name and with a warm welcome, even as the years and her dementia made it harder for her to respond. Thank you, Peanut and Wendy and many others.
I have watched with interest as the kitchen crew expanded the menu and often wondered how they could juggle such a large variety of offerings. The cafe always had something for everyone. We could go there with visiting guests and the little ones could have their favorite meal of Kraft mac and cheese, which made everyone happy!
Thank you to all of you at the cafe and best wishes for what lies ahead.
Dorothy Petersen