To the Editor:
I cannot believe that Mainers buy into the theory that cutting more programs aiding its citizens is what the people want.
The governor has proclaimed his proposed budget and anti-social actions are due to too much welfare – then he cited increased enrollment responsible – now, he says (once again) that fraud is the reason for his proposals. This governor’s opinion of the people must be very low if he thinks their struggle to survive is just a ploy to hop onto “the gravy train” – a subsistence program.
These problems, he claims, stem from the previous administration’s largess to Maine citizens. He thinks we should have turned our backs on our elderly who cannot survive on their own and have no families who can help. He would ignore our veterans returning home who have serious need of supportive services as they try to adjust to civilian life after horrendous wartime experiences. The desperation for fuel assistance and prescription costs – the children and the poor without the money for health insurance – these needs should not have been met.
So in his rush to dismantle the government, he will cut healthcare for 65,000 of our people, 5000 veterans requiring services, and allow the disabled and elderly to become homeless as he shuts down assisted living centers. When he can’t convince enough voters to back him up – like the boy who cried “wolf” – he revives the allegation of fraud in these programs trying to scare them into alignment with his aims.
He will do all this instead of removing the tax breaks to the very wealthy because these people “create jobs” and we don’t want to discourage them! What jobs…where are they? Sixty-five thousand people cast adrift because the rich might create jobs? I cannot believe Mainers will stand by and let every community be harmed by the agenda of this man.
We have lost 4800 jobs since he came into office and with his current budget proposal, we will lose 4400 more. I don’t care what your political affiliation is – you cannot stand by and let this happen.
Call, write, e-mail your disapproval of this budget to your representatives. Let them know that we stand united and that we say “No” to LePage’s budget. Stop his destruction now.
Barbara Ann Johnson, Nobleboro