To the Editor:
First a thank you for your editorial concerning Dec. 7, 1941.
With the above in mind, may I relate an experience circa 1950-1953. On June 5, 1950, North Korea attacked South Korea and America, via the U.N., entered into a so called “police action” to push North Korea back over the 38th parallel. It worked well until China entered the fray. That tilted the odds in North Korea’s favor. By 1953 all hostilities were over and an armistice was signed. (Note: not a surrender, that’s passé.)
Excepting World War II, the wars we are engaging in are fighting the old nemesis communism, nation building and of course, terrorism, which needs to be fought at home not looking overseas for trouble. We have too many home-grown terrorists cropping up too many times right here.
Look at history: The Civil War in this country was the most bloody one in our history: North vs. South. The north won and we united and became strong because of it, creating the most wonderful country in the world.
Another “civil war” North Vietnam attacks South Vietnam and once again America and the U.N. decided to intervene, again taking sides with the south. The North won that civil war, united and now are a prospering nation.
Now, who is to say if we had not intervened in Korea’s first civil war, the north would have won (no contest) then united and prospered as well? If, as looks like, North Korea may try again to attack South Korea, why not mind our business and let the chips fall where they may? Not likely.
Perhaps, after all our history, we should leave Afghanistan and Iraq and let these civil wars play out without shedding more of our treasures.
When Japan attacked us we were righteous in defending ourselves and we won. How many of our latest wars came about because we were attacked? Just one and we went in and won taking out Al Qaeda. However, someone decided it was a good time to attack Iraq. Why? They never attacked us.
This Christmas and always, pray for our men and women in harm’s way. They just follow orders. This veteran supports them wholeheartedly, but sorry to say, does not support these senseless wars. Let’s stop this madness and bring all our troops home safely and let them protect our borders.
Frank “Smilin’ Jack” Slason, Somerville