To the Editor:
I like the radio ads that I have been hearing from Charlie Summers, candidate for Congress. He proposes a common sense plan to explore for domestic oil and gas now, as well as increased production of alternative forms of energy right here in America.
I went to his website to read more, and realized just how much thought he has put into this. His plan isn’t just about energy – it’s about jobs, the economy, and our national security.
We send billions of dollars a year to countries that don’t like us. It’s time we finally make a concerted effort to drill for our own resources here, to seriously develop wind and solar and other energies here in America.
We can create jobs here to build the infrastructure needed to do just that. We can save our country so much money by producing more of our own energy.
I know Charlie personally, respect his love and dedication for America and its future, even to the extent of serving America for close to a year in Iraq.
I have great faith in Charlie serving the people of Maine as Congressman with the best of his ability. Please go to Charlie Summers’ website,, and read about his plan.
I hope you will join me in voting for Charlie Summers for Congress this Nov. 4, or before by absentee ballot.
Mark Chesebro
New Harbor