Memorial Day may be America’s official national day of mourning but somehow we feel Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is no less solemn.
If Memorial Day is the day for those who gave all, Veterans Day is the day for those who were willing to give all, but for the Grace of God, didn’t have to.
In America we make a great deal about our Founding Fathers and the ideals this country was founded on: that all men were created equal with God-given inalienable rights: specifically life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We may well be the only country in the world founded on a principle, but all the principles we hold and all the self-congratulation we heap on ourselves only goes so far.
In a world where nations play for keeps, there is no substitute for a muscular military force that can back up the talk when needed.
It is true the overwhelming majority of men and women in our armed services never come close to combat, but their service to our country, truly a cause bigger than themselves, is still invaluable.
What it comes down to is we are blessed to live in this great country but all the fruit we enjoy; the right to vote, the right to criticize the government, the right to do nothing but lay around and watch football on a Sunday, all of those things and more exist because Americans, from day one until now, stepped up and answered the call of duty.
For all that we enjoy, every day, today and forever, thank a veteran.