To the Editor:
On behalf of the American Cancer Society, I would like to thank Damariscotta for its generosity and support of the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer® walk.
Approximately 900 walkers and dozens of volunteers participated, and we raised more than $130,000 to fight breast cancer and provide hope for all people facing this disease.
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is a chance to celebrate survivorship. I want to applaud the many survivors that led the way. These women are heroes. They are our mothers, sisters, daughters, wives and friends. They are the reason we continue the fight, and they remind us all of a very important message – finding breast cancer early – when it’s most treatable – can save lives.
A special thanks goes to all the volunteers who worked to make this event a success. We could not have done it without you.
We also appreciate the generosity of The First for being our host sponsor, and all of this year’s corporate and leg sponsors for their contributions and participation in this year’s event.
Again, thank you for supporting your American Cancer Society. If you have outstanding pledges or would like to make a donation, it’s not too late. Please mail them to Damariscotta Region MSABC, One Bowdoin Mill Is., Ste 300, Topsham, 04086.
Please make sure to include what team you are on and the name of the participant the donation is for. The walk’s online website is still available for donations at You can also contact the American Cancer Society anytime, day or night for cancer-related information, support and resources at 1-800-ACS-2345, or visit
Carol Wise, Event Chair, Damariscotta Region MSABC, Walpole