We welcome all of our local legislators to utilize our editorial page to communicate with their constituents in Lincoln County.
The upper right-hand side of this page often contains an item by Democratic state Sen. Chris Johnson under the heading “From the Legislature,” but we welcome both state senators and all seven state representatives who claim a corner of our county to write “From the Legislature” columns.
Lawmakers can use the space to explain a vote, pitch an idea, or share some good news from the Capitol.
Five years ago, then-state Rep. Jon McKane, R-Newcastle, was by far our most frequent correspondent “From the Legislature.” State Sen. David Trahan, R-Waldoboro, would also use the platform on occasion.
Now Sen. Johnson is the only legislator whose byline appears on our editorial page on a regular basis. We welcome Sen. Johnson’s submissions. He is the highest-ranking lawmaker currently representing any area of Lincoln County, he represents more of the county than any other lawmaker, and we gladly afford him this space to share his views.
Despite what differences of opinion we might have from time to time – such as on the minimum wage – we appreciate Sen. Johnson’s civility, insight, and responsiveness to his constituents.
We would, however, welcome a broader spectrum of views – and a broad spectrum of views is what the public needs to make informed decisions at the polls.
What better way for voters to learn what you, local lawmakers, have been up to in Augusta the last two years? Whether or how you followed up on your commitments in their discussions with you at their front door, or in your brochure, or maybe in an interview with this newspaper?
Surely at least one of the five Republicans who represent Lincoln County in the Legislature mutters to themselves when they read one of their Democratic colleague’s columns, or asks themselves how they can reach thousands of their constituents, for free, to explain their viewpoint on an issue. We hope he or she will write to us soon.