To the Editor:
I’m responding to last week’s letter to the editor, “Get the Bypass Built,” written by Dick Chutter from Round Pond.
As a downtown business and resident of Wiscasset, I am in total agreement with his letter and concerns except the part about boycotting the local businesses. As far as I know, most of the local business owners here are and have been in favor of this long over due bypass. If we had it our way, the bypass would have been built yesterday.
As he suggests, call, email and do what ever it takes but please rethink the part about boycotting the local businesses. We’re the good guys and with these present economic conditions, we’re hurting big time.
Wiscasset is the prettiest village in Maine but it’s also the noisiest one. Getting rid of the loud “drive through” commercial traffic can change all that. Get the bypass built, the sooner the better!
Dennis Raleigh, Wiscasset