To the Editor:
I feel compelled to respond to the Aug. 22 Letter to the Editor in the LCN, “Waldoboro Budget Cuts”, written by Bob Butler. First, I would like to say I am disappointed in the finger pointing at three select board members by Mr. Butler.
He states, “The town’s leaders have a moral, if not a legal, obligation to foster at least the perception that they have carefully deliberated over the issues before them.” I guess he presumes that the select board did not carefully deliberate over the issues before them.
In the July 25 issue of the LCN under “Selectmen, budget committee split on Waldoboro cuts”, it clearly states that there were deliberations. The same article stated that two of the select board members spent three days knocking on 325 residents’ doors.
The major concern expressed by the 325 residents was the police budget. When was the last time Waldoboro had selectmen who took the time to go from door to door and ask the taxpayers about the budget?
I am proud of all our selectmen. Some are on one side of an issue, others on the other side; this is the way democracy works. The three selectmen that Mr. Butler refers to are doing what the voters voted them to do. The police budget did not pass at the June referendum election, not because it was too low, but because the majority of voters thought it was too high.
Mr. Butler has a right to disagree with the majority of the voters and the majority of selectmen, but no matter what side of the issue one is on, it is also the right of the majority who rejected the police budget to have their vote count.
It is refreshing to finally have some of our selectmen listen to the residents of Waldoboro. I hope this will help get confidence back in our town government.
I am asking the Waldoboro voters for the second time this year, to please take the time to go to the polls on Sept. 10 and vote. If you agree with the majority of selectmen and agree with cuts to the police budget, vote yes on article 4. Your vote does count.