To the Editor:
For someone who descends Academy Hill many times daily, I am compelled to say that a traffic circle was a bad idea 10 years ago and is just as ill conceived today. It was the brainchild of eager but wrong-headed DOT consultants then and (Lincoln County Planner Bob) Mr. Faunce is again bringing it forward without likely reviewing the objections of the past.
The largest defect in the plan is that it would slow Rt. 1 bound traffic, especially large trucks that now follow the unimpeded left bend by the Congregational Church. Since that traffic is the largest part of west/northbound traffic it would quickly clog up the works.
Trucks trying to enter the Mills Road or Academy Hill from Rt. 1 would be forced to unnecessarily dodge, weave and almost jack-knife.
Yes, I know the new circles are sloped to allow trucks to partially run over the edges. The initial plans called for encroachment either of Memorial Park and/or the Shadis property and disturb the historic tree line which many parties found distasteful.
The ongoing issue and the cause for confusion is the three-way stop with the uninitiated not knowing that traffic going up Academy Hill has a straight shot. Crossing motorists do not know whether cars are stopping, going up Academy Hill or turning right to the Mills. Plantings in the triangle limit summertime visibility.
To avoid confusion I stay left if going up the hill and signal a right turn if headed up the Mills Road. A simple painted line dividing those lanes would clarify that issue and save tons of reconstruction money.
Art Mayers, Newcastle