To the editor:
I am writing to urge Waldoboro voters to say no to the Ordinance Prohibiting Retail Marijuana Social Clubs and Retail Marijuana Establishments in the Town of Waldoboro.
First the disclaimer. I am a member of the Waldoboro Select Board. I do not speak for the other members of the select board. The views in this letter are mine alone.
I am against the proposed ordinance because:
1. It is unnecessary. The Waldoboro Select Board established a marijuana committee to explore options available to the town regarding marijuana and to provide information about marijuana to Waldoboro’s residents. The committee is just beginning its work. The marijuana committee did not recommend the ordinance to the Waldoboro Select Board.
2. The proposed ordinance accomplishes no more than Waldoboro’s current marijuana moratorium does. The marijuana moratorium will remain in place until the first week of July, and the select board can extend it in 180-day increments until the marijuana committee submits its recommendations to the board.
3. The ordinance gives no guidance about how to deal with individuals in Waldoboro who are already involved with marijuana, whether as growers or non-medical users. It prohibits growing, manufacturing, and testing labs, in addition to social clubs and retail stores.
4. The ordinance does not define “retail marijuana product,” making the reach of the ordinance unreasonably broad. The ordinance, as drafted, is fraught with unintended consequences, and it could be costly to enforce.
The Waldoboro Select Board established the marijuana committee to do its work and to make recommendations. Allow that process to work its way through. Please vote no on the proposed marijuana ordinance and encourage the Waldoboro Marijuana Committee to complete its work.
Bob Butler