To the Editor:
We are preparing for the start of the Bus. Rt. 1 Sidewalk Project in Damariscotta.
The project will run along Main Street, from the Church Street intersection down the hill to the Coastal Market Plaza/Yellowfront Grocery area and will consist of new sidewalk construction and drainage improvements. We will also be working in conjunction with the Great Salt Bay Sanitary District in the replacement of approximately 1200 feet of water main in the same area.
Weather permitting, the project will begin on March 19 and will be completed by July 1. Some traffic delays are to be expected, but we will do our best to keep them to a minimum.
We appreciate your patience during this process. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns regarding the project, 563-8588.
Seth Hagar,
Hagar Enterprises Inc., Damariscotta