To the Editor:
Your presence at the next selectman’s meeting at Great Salt Bay on Sept. 26 at 6:30 is greatly needed.
You need to come and voice your opinion about the police department because the selectmen at that meeting are going to decide whether to put it on the ballot in November. So if you are sitting back figuring you can vote in November on this and are not attending the meetings, you may be sadly disappointed.
We could lose our police department and the services they provide. There may not be a police presence at the town hall or police department rooms as the selectmen want to do away with them, and what are the selectmen going to spend the savings on – sidewalks and miscellaneous other things not worth losing the police department over.
Wiscasset citizens have gone through this same process and voted to keep their department. Waldoboro selectmen were going to do away with their department after having meetings, the selectmen decided to keep theirs also.
Why does Damariscotta put everyone through this whole process, when it has been proven that the citizens everywhere do not want this to go this route?
Sorry for the short notice, but please attend this meeting.
Natalie House, Damariscotta