To the Editor:
The Republican Party has declared itself irrelevant.
I have always argued against a third party. Unfortunately, by the process of unintended consequences those of us disenfranchised by the establishment leaders of the Republican Party have effectively been cast into a third party.
However, I have one more very significant observation. On the macro scale of analyzing political power, not party, there is no significant difference between the Democratic Party or the Republican Party and they both qualify as Democratic Socialists or Social Democrats.
One accepted definition of this political power scheme is governmental control of the economy and society by agreement with the peoples elected representatives.
Bottom line, what does this mean to us? Today in America we effectively are under a one party system and for those of us outside that system we merely need to come together, to coalesce as it were, into the real second party.
One possibility is to take back the Republican Party and reestablish the founding fathers principles of republican limited government. There is literally nothing more to lose.