To the Editor:
I agree that we should talk civilly, but also let us discuss thoughtfully and candidly. I can’t help feeling that Ms. Kanewske and Mr. Duffy are quoting talking points. There is a potential danger in doing so. Who wrote these points originally, and what was their real agenda? Also some may be false representations.
Some may be absurd, such as the naming of George Soros as the great funder of “socialism.” His contributions are dwarfed by the funding of right wing organizations by billionaires such as the Koch brothers, who funded much of the Tea Party; and many others. It seems likely that the writers of the talking points are probably scornful of Mr. Soros because he is funding people based on a compassion for the needy rather than to gain more power and wealth for himself, and is therefore a traitor to his class.
Let’s leave the talking points behind and discuss the larger picture. What would you like to see us become? What is your vision for the future of our country? Surely it’s not “Let the rich do whatever they want and let those who can’t keep up die.”
Here’s mine: I would like to see us reform our election system so that each person has equal say, so that elections could not be bought by the moneyed elite.
I would like for each American to have the opportunity to live a decent life, obtain an education, have access to health care, be able to stop working in old age and continue to live decently.
I would like the corporations to be regulated so that they are required to treat the citizenry and the environment with respect, including the right for workers to organize to strive for fairness in the workplace.
I would like relations with other countries to be based on the mutual solving of common problems, and striving for mutual respect. Those responsible for leading us into war based on false premises would be held responsible. Wars for the sake of exploiting the resources of other countries would not go forward. When there is a war, the military personnel whose lives are devastated by fighting it would be taken care of in every way, not left to commit suicide under a bridge.
Where do we differ? What is your vision?
Alan Lowe, Waldoboro