To the editor:
As the acorns started crashing down on the deck and the roof and everywhere else, I became aware that there were no squirrels around collecting them. In fact, I realized I haven’t seen a squirrel climbing a tree, running on the ground, or even doing acrobatics on the suet cake holder in several months. I’m surrounded by woods and oak and other trees and there are no squirrels!
I know the browntail moth caterpillars did quite a job on the trees in the spring, but was it enough to make the squirrels relocate? Where did they relocate to? Is there a part of Lincoln County that is now overrun with the gray, fuzzy creatures? I know we complain about them getting the food we put out for the birds, and they can be rather destructive to our houses, but where did they go, and why?
Carole MacDonald