To the Editor:
The Wiscasset custodial staff would appreciate your support at the Wiscasset School Board meeting, May 1 at 6 p.m.
On this day the board will decide whether to keep your local custodians or outsource to a cleaning company. We are people you know and trust in your community. This group of 10 people do much more than just clean. We are a group of multi-taskers, versatile in many job skills and knowledge. We cross trained to do more than one job in the school system.
We work for you. These are our schools and our kids. That makes us do the extras we do, beyond what is required. Please contact the school board members to let them know that keeping it local keeps local control. Outsourcing takes that away.
It is important that the school board understand the positive impact the custodians make on the students, staff, community members, and the public on a daily basis. Thank you for your support.