To The Editor:
No matter what our town officials and a few others have told you, we need to take a stand and vote yes on article #5 (Referendum Voting) or in simple terms (Secret Ballot Voting).
True democracy is allowing all the registered voters in the Town of Waldoboro more than one way of voting, on all town warrants, without attending a long boring and uncomfortable Town Meeting, not just the usual 2 percent that showed up at the meeting this year.
A true-implemented cost is the difference between what you spent last year and what you need to spend this year, not the total cost for this year. Why haven’t you been given the true figure? Maybe this time you will be.
The way I see it, the only thing that will be different, is the way you vote. Did you know that recommendation’s can be made to change the budget, and the selectmen can act on those changes before you vote on said articles?
I have been honest in providing information to the Selectmen and the voting public.
I have spent many hours researching this information by contacting various towns that have changed to and have implemented referendum voting.
Now you need to decide for yourself, what is in the best interest of all the people. Whatever you decide, you need to vote at the polls or by absentee ballot this November.
I would recommend that you vote yes on article 5.
Ronald L. Miller, Waldoboro