As stories and photos continue to trickle in from the community, we’re still learning the extent of the devastation caused by the Jan. 10 and Jan. 13 storms.
As detailed in the article on page 13, the damage to parks and roads in Bristol alone comes in over $2 million, a figure that does not include the tremendous personal loss. Thankfully, we still have not heard of any loss of life or serious injury, which is a true miracle.
This is the type of event that will take a while to build back from, and we are grateful that there are resources cropping up to help. Bristol has created a Disaster Relief Efforts fund to benefit commercial fisheries, residential properties, and more impacted by the storms. Jeniffer Cooley, of Bmalori Creative, a board member of the Damariscotta Region Chamber of Commerce and Information Bureau created a “Midcoast Strong” decal. The chamber is selling these decals for $5 each with 100% of the proceeds going toward relief efforts. Those interested in supporting this effort can contact the chamber at 563-8340.
We know there are more grassroots efforts going on, and, in an effort to combat the unfortunate scams that seem to follow natural disasters, we’d like to provide a spotlight for authentic endeavors. If your town government, business, or nonprofit is in some way raising funds for disaster relief, email us at We hope to compile a list of trusted resources for those hoping to put their money to good use.
Resilience is in our history.The people of this area have been through disasters similar to these storms before, like in 1978. Let’s look to the example they set on how to persevere for inspiration on rebuilding the coastline that has been under this community’s stewardship for hundreds of years.