Please use caution on the roads this week as local students return to school.
Maine will soon have a tougher cellphone law in effect – one easier to enforce for police.
As of right now, you cannot text while driving, but you can film and upload videos to your YouTube channel or read all the comments on your favorite celebrity’s Instagram post.
Police may still nab you under more generic rules about distracted driving, but the new law will allow them to pull you over and hand you a ticket almost any time you touch your phone.
While you have a few weeks to see what you can get away with before the new law takes effect, we strongly recommend using this time to practice common sense and self-control.
Almost everyone is guilty of the occasional slip-up, but there are plenty of habitual offenders out there. It’s amazing they make it anywhere. When do they look at the road?
Those of you in this group place everyone around you in danger, including our children who are boarding the bus in front of your speeding car while you look for the perfect emoji.
It makes their parents angry when we pass you with your eyes down. We know what you’re doing.
When the new law takes effect, we hope the police ticket you every day, multiple times a day, until you lose your car, home, phone, job, and anything else important to you.
Or you could just put your phone down.
Watch for kids on the road this week – and every week.