We want to add ours to the many expressions of gratitude for the workers on the front lines of the coronavirus response.
Health care workers especially deserve our thanks – the doctors and nurses, yes, but also everyone who supports them, either in direct patient care or support services like housekeeping and maintenance.
Those in emergency medical services – ambulance personnel and first responders – could see a COVID-19 patient on any call. They place themselves and their families at risk to help us and to keep their community healthy.
There are countless others. How about grocery store workers? We kind of underappreciated them before, didn’t we?
The list of essential businesses and services in Maine includes our own, and we thank our employees for continuing to carry out their important work.
We are following applicable recommendations to keep our staff and those we interact with safe, but we will continue our work to make sure our readers have the information they need to keep themselves safe and access necessary services.
We will continue to report updates on the spread of the virus and efforts to contain it. Just as importantly, we will continue to collect information about help available to those in quarantine and those in financial turmoil.
Help us: email info@lcnme.com or, if you do not have access to email, call us at 563-3171.