The Commissioner has issued to Norumbega Oysters, Inc. of Nobleboro, Maine a 10-year lease (DAM HIS) on 1.91 acres located south of Hog Island, Damariscotta River, Damariscotta, Maine for the bottom culture of American/Eastern and European oysters. The lease must be marked in accordance with U.S. Coast Guard and DMR requirements. Dragging and shellfish harvesting are prohibited in the lease area except by the leaseholder or its authorized agents. Navigation and recreational fishing are permitted within the lease boundaries. Power washing of oysters is prohibited within the lease area. Other public uses that are not inconsistent with the purposes of the lease are allowed by the lease statutes, 12 MRS §§ 6072, 6072-A, & 6072-B. FMI: Aquaculture Administrator, DMR, 21 State House Station, Augusta, ME 04333-0021; 207/624-6567;
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