The Town of Westport Island is accepting bids for supplying approximately 1200 cubic yards of screened winter sand delivered to the Westport Island Salt and Sand Shed at 6 Fowles Point Road, Westport Island. Sand is to be mixed inside the Shed with salt provided by the Town. Questions should be directed to the Road Commissioner Jim Cromwell at (207) 350-9562.
Copies of the Request for Proposals may be picked up at the Town Office, via a link on the town website under “News”, or by emailing with your interest.
Proposals are due at the Town Office on 6 Fowles Point Road no later than 6:00 PM on August 7, 2023. Late bids will not be considered. Bids will be opened during the regular Select Board meeting on August 7, 2023, 7:00 PM, at the Town Office.
Select Board
Town of Westport Island