IN RE: Kameron Smith
Doc. No.: WATDC-FM-22-149
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO PETER ZACHAREWICH whereabouts unknown: Nancy Smith has petitioned the above Court for a Guardianship concerning the child: Kameron Smith d/o/b: 11/8/2007 born at Belfast, Maine. The father is or may be Peter Walter Zacharewich. Nancy Smith has met the requirements of M.R. Civ. P. Rule 4(g)(1)(A)-(C). Hearing on the pending Petitions(s) will be held at Maine District Court, 18 Colby Street, Waterville, Maine, on 5/17/23, at 10:15 a.m. Failure to appear at this hearing may result in the issuance of a guardianship and/or any other order permissible under 18-C MRSA Article 5. Contact the court at the above address or 207-873-2103. To obtain a copy of the Petition(s), contact the court or Attorney Nathan Bell at PO Box 245, Unity, ME 04988, 207-948-3495.
Dated: March 22, 2023
Judge Charles Dow
Judge, Maine District Court
Christine Longley
A True Attested Copy
Clerk, Maine District Court