The Town of Newcastle is soliciting bids for the sale of surplus construction equipment; a 1995 Case 580 Super L Rubber Tired Backhoe with attachments and a 2012 JCB 8045ZTS Mini Excavator. Sealed Bid Forms/ packages can be obtained at the Newcastle Town Office at 4 Pump Street Newcastle, Maine 04553 during normal business hours or by contacting Steve Reynolds, Road Commissioner at 207-415-1525.
DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT: The 1995 Case 580 Super L has 6270 hours on the machine and has a new rear axle assembly installed less than 100 hours old, the attachments include; a wane roy knuckle with ditching bucket and trenching bucket; a snow plow and a set of forks with a lifting boom. The JCB 8045ZTS Mini- Excavator has 520 hours on the machine, it is a rubber track machine with a wane roy knuckle and a 48” ditching bucket and a 30” trenching bucket. The equipment is currently parked at the Newcastle Fire Station, 96 River Road and can be viewed by appointment by contacting Steve Reynolds, Road Commissioner at 207-415-1525.
INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Bids will be received by the Town of Newcastle (hereinafter called the “Town”), at the Town Offices, until 12:00 PM on August 15th, 2016, and then at said office publicly opened, and read aloud. Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to Jonathan Duke, Town Administrator, Town of Newcastle, 4 Pump Street, PO Box 386, Newcastle, Maine 04553. The envelope containing the bid must be plainly marked on the outside of the envelope as “FY 2017 Surplus Equipment Sealed Bid” with the envelope bearing the name and address of the bidder. Telegraphic, facsimile or electronic (e-mail) proposals or modifications to proposals will not be considered.
The Town has set minimum bid requirements for this equipment which is detailed in the bid form.