The Board of Selectmen of the Town of Waldoboro will accept sealed bids on the following tax acquired properties.
ITEM 1) Town Map R4, Lot 32-6, land only, 0.50 acres, located at 170 Kalers Pond Road, formerly owned by Erin A. Novak.
ITEM 2) Town Map R16, Lot 56-6, mobile home, located at 95 Sunset Ridge Road, formerly owned by Michael Stover.
Bids will be accepted at the Town Office at 1600 Atlantic Highway, Waldoboro, Maine until 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, May 11, 2017, at which time they will be publicly opened.
The Board of Selectmen is anticipated to award the bids on May 23, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Each bid shall be plainly mark “Bid on Tax Acquired Property” and shall identify the specific Item Number as shown above.
The Selectmen reserve the right to reject any or all bids, should it be in the best interest of the Town. In the event that two or more bids are received in like amounts, and they are the highest bids submitted, the bid first received will be accepted as the highest bid.
The person being awarded the bid shall pay the Town of Waldoboro, in full, no later than Thursday, June 8, 2017.