TO: All Interested Persons DATE ISSUED: July 24, 2023
As required by Section 6 of the State of Maine Rules Relating to Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund Chapter 230, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) staff prepared a “Justification for Categorical Exclusion” on behalf of AOS 93 SOUTH BRISTOL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL of South Bristol, Maine to exempt a proposed project from the formal environmental review requirements.
The proposed action is the remediation of PFAS in Drinking Water at AOS 93 SOUTH BRISTOL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, and the proposed project is the rehabilitation, minor upgrade, or minor expansion of existing facilities.
The Drinking Water Program’s review of the proposed actions has indicated that it meets the criteria of “Categorical Exclusion” listed in subsection c (II) of Chapter 230. The project is not likely to have significant effects on the quality of the environment.
Therefore, a Categorical Exclusion from formal environmental review as provided in Section 6 of the State of Maine Rules Relating to Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund Chapter 230 is being granted. This exclusion may be revoked at any time if 1) the project is altered and no longer meets the requirements of a categorical exclusion 2) new evidence shows that serious environmental issues exist or 3) a local, State or Federal law is being or may be violated.
Project documents are on file and are available for public review at the offices of AOS 93 SOUTH BRISTOL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL at 2024 STATE ROUTE 129, SOUTH BRISTOL, MAINE 04568, and the offices of the Drinking Water Program. Comments relative to this decision may be submitted to the Department of Health and Human Services Drinking Water Program.